Samsung and Huawei launched their foldable smartphones last month. Both have a different design, but they have one thing in common: the high price. Samsung’s Galaxy Fold costs $ 1,980, while the Huawei Mate X costs around $ 2,600. This price makes it a luxury item, but thanks to Xiaomi, you can buy a Xiaomi foldable smartphone that costs less. To be exact, $ 999.

According to a report by iGyaan, the foldable smartphone from Xiaomi, currently called Mi Fold and Mi Flex, will cost $ 999 in the United States, $ 999 in Europe, and $ 74999 in India. The company plans to launch the phone between April and June. It is first introduced in China, followed by separate launches in world markets.

The report also states that Mi Fold / Flex costs almost half the cost of Galaxy Fold, as Xiaomi will use the VisionOd Technology OLED displays according to its requirements. It remains to be seen if they are as efficient as the Galaxy Fold and Mate X OLED panels.

Like the Galaxy Fold and the Mate X, the Mi Fold / Flex will also be a flagship product and ships with the Snapdragon 855 SoC with up to 10 GB of RAM. A video showing this phone in action appeared in January. You can check it below.

Source | Via (in Chinese)


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