When the Realme 3 was announced earlier this month, it was the first smartphone of the new company that had Android Pie ready for use. Now, three more devices will join the party, and the updates should arrive by the end of the first half of 2019. Madhav Sheth, CEO of Realme India, on Twitter Realme 1, Realme 2 Pro, Realme U1 will receive the update. Day that brings Nightscape mode.

At the time of the launch of Realme 3 on March 4, the company boasted that it had sent 35 OTA updates in the first 9 months. It was the first time that the promise was made for Android Pie, and now, thanks to Mr. Sheth’s recall, we know which devices will also have ColorOS 6 and the Nightscape mode, which is currently only available on Realme 3.

The Realme family is about to get bigger as the Realme 3 Pro is expected to arrive in April. Rumor has it that this is probably the 48 megapixel camera at the beginning of 2019. We do not really have a specification but should be faster than the Realme 3 with Helio P70 and we hope for a quick charge of VOOC and a USB Connection. Port C.



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